5 HVAC Maintenance Tips for Pet Owners In Barstow, CA

Dog In Backyard

Most of our customers in Barstow, CA, live with four-legged furry friends. While it’s true that pets can be great companions, they also come with their own share of challenges. Here are five HVAC maintenance tips for pet owners:

Brush Your Pet Regularly

This may sound obvious, but you need to brush your pets more often. Brushing your cat, rabbit or dog pulls hair from the animal. This means less fur will float in the air and clog the filter.

Increase the Quality of Your Air Filter

A pet in your house is almost a guaranteed source of allergens. That’s why you should increase the quality of the filters you purchase. Higher MERV ratings are more effective compared to lower MERV ratings that filter less.

Change Air Filters More Regularly

It’s a great idea to change your air filters every month if you have pets. With a pet around, there’s a higher chance of hair accumulating in the filters and undermining your HVAC system’s efficiency.

Build a Barrier Around Your HVAC Unit

As a pet owner in Barstow, CA, you would want to protect your HVAC system from animal fur and other debris. One way of doing that is by installing a natural barrier around your outdoor unit.

Vacuum Your House Regularly

Your indoor air intake is suction for dander and hair. The more pets you have, the harder your HVAC system will work. You can increase the lifespans of your filters by removing as much pet hair as possible through regular vacuuming.

Both pets and your HVAC system play an important role in your life, and you don’t have to sacrifice either to be happy. Contact our team at Clemmer Services Heating & Air Conditioning today for HVAC maintenance, repair and installation services.

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