How Can You Protect Your Pets From Indoor Air Pollution in Apple Valley, CA?

Dog With A Ball In Its Mouth

Air pollution is nothing new to people and pets living in Apple Valley, CA. While you can’t change what’s in the air outside, you can affect what happens in your home. Here are some commonsense ways to give your pets cleaner air.

Change Your Air Filters

Pets shed dander and other particulate matter that clogs your filters. When they’re dirty, they won’t allow as much air to pass through, reducing their impact on air quality.

Be sure to check them regularly, changing them at least every 90 days. Consider gently vacuuming off the intake side of the filter every 30 days to extend its life.

Use Caution with Chemical Products

Some of the common irritating pollutants for many pets are VOCs or volatile organic compounds. They hide in cleaning products, furniture, clothing and linens. Opt for natural, chemical-free cleaners and air fresheners to reduce VOCs.

Ventilate Whenever Possible

Ventilation is crucial for your home for many reasons, including managing your air quality. Ventilation brings in fresh air, which expels some of the air contaminated from indoor sources.

While windows are a great way to ventilate, you may want to consider adding mechanical ventilation as well. This allows you to filter the fresh air and continue ventilating even during hot or stormy weather.

Keep Up with Routine Maintenance

If you want to maintain healthy air quality, routine HVAC maintenance is essential. During a maintenance visit, a technician will clean your evaporator coil and circulating fan, making sure that they aren’t recirculating pollutants.

Add HVAC Purification

Wildfires complicate indoor air quality around southern California beyond the typical industrial, biological and automotive pollutants. Air purification devices work at the cellular level to neutralize these pollutants. They go a step further with charged ions to help particles stick together, making your filter more effective.

Make sure you’re giving your pets the best air possible for their sensitive respiratory systems. Call to schedule your indoor air quality consultation with Clemmer Services Heating & Air Conditioning today.

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