Plumbing Tips: How To Reduce Your Water Bills

earth day

Easy Ways To Lower Water Bills

With spring and summer on its way, homeowners must take critical steps to reduce their water bills. The good news is that small changes can significantly impact households, allowing them to decrease their water usage and lower their water bills.

Plumbers near Santa Clarita, CA, reveal three ways households can lower their water bills: using less water, installing water conservation fixtures, and detecting leaks as soon as possible.

sinkSave Water on Daily Tasks

Household members can waste a lot of water each day without even realizing it. Fortunately, there are easy ways they can reduce their water use.

An easy way to conserve water is to be aware of when they use it unnecessarily. This can include daily tasks like brushing their teeth or shaving. If family members keep the water running the whole time, it can add up to much wasted water. Another way to waste a lot of water is by taking longer showers than needed. Trimming these can quickly save water.

Household members should also avoid washing dishes by hand and instead use the dishwasher. Instead of doing numerous smaller loads, they should also wait to do laundry until they have a full load.

Property owners can reduce wasted water on outside chores by only watering the grass during the morning and evening and avoiding the hottest parts of the day. During the peak heat, the water will evaporate, resulting in wasted water.

showerAdd Low-Flow Faucets & Showerheads

Property owners can install water-reducing plumbing fixtures to lower their water bills. Dual-flush toilets, low-flow faucets, and low-flow showerheads are common water-saving devices in homes.

Dual-flush toilets give property owners more control over how much water is used when flushing the toilet. Household members can choose between a low-volume flush or a high-volume flush based on whether they dispose of liquid or solid waste.

Low-flow faucets and showerheads can save water without creating a noticeable difference between these and traditional units. They combine air with water to offer normal water pressure even though they use less water.

Watch for Plumbing Leaks

Leaks in the plumbing system can quickly waste a lot of water and raise homeowners’ bills. To curb this, property owners need to identify the signs that indicate a leak in the system.

Plumbers suggest that households watch for critical symptoms that can signal a leak. Some of the more obvious signs family members might notice are wet spots on the walls or ceilings, evidence of mold, lower water pressure coming from the fixtures, or higher water bills than usual.

There are also less obvious symptoms to look for. Plumbers recommend listening to the pipes when all the plumbing appliances and fixtures are turned off. If there are sounds of running water, it can signal a leak. Property owners should also check the water meter. If the meter runs without plumbing devices, it can indicate a leak. Homeowners should schedule water leak detection services and repairs when they suspect a leak.

About Clemmer Services

For more than 30 years, Clemmer Services has provided quality plumbing and HVAC services to San Bernardino County. A family-owned and operated company, they offer straightforward pricing and bilingual services for Spanish-speaking clients. Call them today for plumbing services in Santa Clarita, CA.